Stop Bashing Millenials #itsreallyannoying

I absolutely love this editorial cartoon about millenials and millenial-bashing (a really annoying problem).

For the original article from, click here.


The New Underclass

Another great article from Chris Sorensen and Charlie Gillis of Maclean’s Magazine (Sat, 19 Jan, 2013) that speaks the truth of the career hardships facing today’s young professionals (and those who are still searching for a profession).

Have a read.

Identity Crisis

I am 28 years old.

I have faint creases and laugh lines (cough cough… wrinkles) starting to make their presence known on my face.

I probably have a few grey hairs (score one for being blonde!)

My metabolism is on a downward spiral.

I won’t bore you with the gory details of my love life… but let’s just say… it’s not ideal.

Same goes for career prospects after my year contract is up.

I’ve always tried to be responsible. I want to make smart choices. More now than ever, I want to get myself in a comfortable financial position, and I’m doing my darnedest to do just so.

I’ve done a little travelling, I’ve had some great experiences. I’ve met wonderful people, I’ve witnessed the birth of one of my nephews.

I’ve started a blog. But even my blog seems to be suffering from an identity crisis of its own.

I’ve gone out on a limb and auditioned for a musical (and subsequently got in). But I’m not completely satisfied with this experience either.

 I’ve got that itch.

That physical aching yearning for more.

It’s intangible. Almost indescribable.

I can’t quite put my finger on it.

Sometimes I think it’s telling me to buy a plane ticket and just go… somewhere.

There are so many places I’ve yet to see. People I haven’t seen in years.

Sometimes I think it’s telling me to try something crazy…

Do something. Skydiving?

Sometimes I think it’s telling me to move to a new city, country…

Start over somewhere new?

Sometimes I think it’s telling me to re-invent myself…

New wardrobe? New style? New ‘life’style?

Sometimes I just don’t know.

But I need to do something.

This feeling is not going away. I think the hunger for adventure, new beginnings, and change is only going to get stronger.

I just haven’t figure out what I’m supposed to do yet.

Debt-ridden and unemployed: We are the Class of 2012

Debt-ridden and unemployed: We are the Class of 2012

More on the Globe and Mail conversation of youth unemployment… Check out the graphs and stats laid-out in this article. Scary.

Also, here is a nice excerpt from a related article.

Charlotte Bumstead, a 24-year-old writer from Newmarket, Ont., said the chance of finding a decent job with a livable salary was comparable to winning the lottery.

“On behalf of my generation, we don’t want your pity,” Ms. Bumstead wrote. “Go ahead and call us ‘lazy and entitled,’ we’re happy to prove you wrong.”

Times are Tough

Times are Tough

I came across this article today in the Globe and Mail.

As someone who was born in 1984 and finding myself in the post-graduate hamster-wheel, I found this article refreshing. Finally someone acknowledging the fact that it is really tough to be a young adult right now, and that we are not all self-entitled cry-babies.

Today I called the Canadian National Student Loans Centre and was relieved to find out I have another month before I have to officially apply for repayment assistance. I got all the figures explained to me though. It is mind-bloggling that I can only make minimum wage (approximately $10.00/h) working 37.5 hours a week for 4 weeks to qualify for a 6 month $0 repayment schedule. Anything over that and I would have to still pay a portion of my loan principal. Believe me though, if I didn’t have sweet living arrangement that I have right now, I would not be able to live on minimum wage with all the other types of debt I have incurred during my university career that unfortunately do not allow for a 6 month after completion of studies grace period.

So for now, I can breathe easier…

Ask me again in a month.