Did ya miss me?

I haven’t been that far away, just had to take a step back for a little while.

I’m back but on slightly different terms.

My blog, my rules right?

Not So Skinny Genes is getting ramped up for the New Year, and with it, a whole new slew of goals. A repeat goal this year is the Navy Sprint Triathlon in the spring.

I can honestly and proudly say I was in the best physical shape of my life leading up to last June 1st and my subsequent 30th birthday that week. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the lazy following my successful Sprint Tri and I have been struggling to regain that drive that got me there and to drop the pounds and inches that accumulated since as a result of my apathetic feelings towards my nutrition and fitness regimen.

That’s where you come in. You’ve been cordially invited to join me on my journey to get my so-called ‘groove’ back. And what better a time to start a fitness and healthy eating plan than the week leading up to Christmas vacation!? You laugh, but at least this way I’ll be ahead of the gaggle of food coma “Resolutioneers”  – yes I just made that term up – come January 1st.

Read and follow if you like. Leave some wisdom/support in the comments. Share with your friends. Or feel free to join in on the fun and tell me what you’re doing to jump start your own goals (fitness or non-fitness related).

Taking names...

Taking names…

How to Make Yourself Memorable in a Sea of Corporate Robots

I cannot tell you how much I love this advice.

Gen Y Girl

be-memorable-get-noticed http://www.behappy.me

Back in October, one of my friends was getting married.

So naturally, we did what most people do these days and we went on an epic bachelorette cruise.

These days, I’m totally an old person and I don’t do anything crazy like that.

But that weekend, I made an exception.

Because my friend, who’s now married, is kind of amazing.

So we got a group of crazy rowdy women together and we partied.

We drank and we ate and we all wore wigs on captain’s night.

And for the record…I LOVED my purple bob wig.

So did this get everyone’s attention?

You bet it did.

We were definitely… memorable.

 So this got me thinking about how hard we all try to be noticed.

I mean, especially in our careers, we’re taught that we need to be remembered. We’re taught that we need to make an impact.

We’re encouraged to…

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Hard Work & Happiness

Is there anyone out there who can provide some scientific proof of a direct correlation between the amount of effort one makes to the level of happiness one feels?

I feel there there must be something definitive out there on this.

When I have a productive day at work, home, gym, out-and-about… and I stop and think about how I feel in that moment, I find it hard not to feel a sense of overwhelming pride and happiness.

Today I kicked butt (some days my trainer kicked it… but you know what I mean).

I did all my dishes, 3 loads of laundry, got groceries, killed it at a meeting, did 45 pushups, and watched an episode of Game of Thrones while making paper flower fascinators…

I’m pushing for more responsibility (and respect) at work right now, and while the jury is still out on how that is going to work out, I feel like riding this wave of positivity and creativity for as long as I can.

Bad things happen. 

I know this to be true. 

Last month was a hideously awful reminder of how crappy things can get and how powerless you can feel to change them. But that’s in the past. There’s always a silver lining… it might just not be on the cloud you are standing under but the next one on the horizon.

silver lining

Right now all I see is sparkly, shimmery awesomeness. 

And I’m gonna keep reaching for it.

Tightening the Bootstraps and Making Room for Others

Things are going well lately.

So well in fact that I’ve been able to work on some projects that make me happy. DIY decorating/organization projects, fitness training (for the Navy Sprint Triathlon in June), playing maid in two weddings for two very special brides, and financial planning.

My foray into adulthood has proven pretty fruitful and I couldn’t be happier with whom I’ve chosen to walk down this path. In the spirit of financial responsibility we’ve decided to forego our original plans to find a two bedroom apartment and instead cohabitate in my current one bedroom for as long as manageable. Doing so will drastically cut both of our expenses which is a welcomed added benefit of getting to finally live in the same place as your SO.

Making a one bedroom feel big for one person (and a cat) isn’t too hard… making it not feel tiny with two people (and a cat) will be a challenge.

Like any other couple knows, moving in together isn’t always straightforward.

Whose dishes will we use?
Whose coffee table is nicer?
Whose name is going to go on the bills?
Where are we going to put all the extra stuff?
Where are we going to store everything else?

Since I’m the Pinterest obsessed planner/list maker/organizer/spreadsheet connoisseur (and I’m NOT the one writing exams), I’ve taken on the task of planning how this process will go down.

I’m pretty excited.

How to Get Noticed at Work in Your 20s

Some sound advice 🙂

Gen Y Girl


I once had a boss tell me that had she known I was 20 years old when she hired me, I would have never gotten the job.

Nice lady.

But if you know me and/or if you’ve read my writing, you know that I’m a huge proponent of the fact that age has zero to do with success and potential.

I’m sure that there are plenty of really really uber-smart 16 year olds who can do my job better than I can.  So age, therefore, should have nothing to do with the hiring process.

Despite my strong opinion on this subject, let’s face it… ageism exists. People who are older have to deal with it and those of us fresh out of college have to deal with it too.

It’s not fun.

Some people don’t think we’re capable of much. Some people really underestimate our ability.

So here are some things that we…

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…because i’m a twentysomething

Every fibre of my being is at odds with each other over wanting what I should have versus accepting that there’s no “right” way to live your life besides being a good, loving, empathetic person. Letting your life happen is hard for someone like me who wants to know how the book ends and wants to plan everything in between… but why stress over the future and miss the present?

today was meaningful

when i was thirteen, i couldn’t wait to be eighteen.  i thought i’d know it all by then- have all the answers and that prized freedom. and when i was sixteen, i planned to be married by age twenty-three with two kids. i’ll always smile to myself when i think about how time changes things. and when i turned twenty four i made a list of as many goals as i had in years. by my 25th birthday, i’d accomplished them all.

and a funny thing happens about the time you turn twenty.five. people start asking about marriage and kids and houses. and you begin to worry about savings, retirement, and health insurance.  you start spending your money on plates.pots.new tires. short term sacrifices for long term gains, right? and sometimes you start to compare your 25 years with everyone else’s. you wonder if you’re on the right track because…

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A Fresh Coat of Paint

I’ve been painting up a storm the last few weeks. And I’m finally ready to start sharing with you all my progress.

Some people had their doubts that I could transform yard sale/curb side furniture into something both stylish and cozy.

While my apartment is nowhere near completion, here is a sample of what I’ve been up to.

A bookshelf with a new leaf on its "shelf-life"

A bookshelf with a new lease on its “shelf-life”

Donated by my namesake cousin, this pressed board bookshelf was sad and tired. With a free wallpaper sample and a few licks of a crisp white and a bold teal, I’m loving the way it pops out from the drab apartment-white walls.

Upholstered by yours truly

Upholstered by Yours Truly

I wouldn’t say these were “re”-upholstered as they had no upholstery (or seat for that matter) to begin with. Another donation from my cousin, these chairs (there are actually two of them) were a team effort. Myself, my boyfriend, and his incredibly helpful (and patient) parents worked on cutting some plywood to size to fit these well-crafted wooden chairs. Then my mother helped me pick just the right fabric with which to cover them.

Sadly no "before" picture

Sadly no “before” picture

Imagine a drab brown pressed board table top on a solid wood base. This table was a gift from the boy that he purchased from a co-worker for $10.00. While originally skeptical of my choice to paint it yellow, everyone’s on board now with the soft cottage yellow.



Again, no “before” shot, but this well-made wooden rocking chair was a light wood with a tired and faded floral ruffled set of cushions. Donated by my step-mother’s late mother, I wanted to make sure to incorporate it in the design of my new apartment. Nothing says refreshed and updated like a coat of crisp white paint and new upholstery. With the expert assistance of my mother, and a serious sale on fabric, we recovered the existing cushions with a durable teal corduroy.

Disregard the bedding, it's on the list of things to replace

Disregard the bedding, it’s on the list of things to replace

Kit can make anything look good, but this is actually the item I’m most proud of after my bookshelf. With a piece of plywood donated by the facility management guys in the building I work in, and fabric purchased for $1.50 a metre, and a staple gun… I made this gorgeous upholstered headboard that my step dad so kindly mounted to the wall for me. Purple and gray is the overarching colour scheme in the bedroom and I’m currently searching for a new comforter set.



Purpling is the name of the colour I chose for this $4.00 yard sale find. I’m thinking about patching that hole with something in the near future, but it’s not bothering me too much at this point. Purchased on a yardsale-ing excursion with the boy, this little number was in desperate need of some TLC. I’m pretty happy with the way she turned out.

And that’s all for now.

More updates to come!

The Life Cycle of the Grad School Graduate’s job hunt for something in the mental health field


The Neophyte Therapist

I was walking out of the stadium, clad in a cap and gown, when my father yelled “GET A JOB!” from the stands. While my dad was only kidding (here’s hoping anyway), it illustrated the pressure and necessity of getting a job as soon as possible after graduation. Maybe you’re taking a summer position or working at your part-time job you had in graduate school. Or maybe you were lucky enough to land a full-time, paid position at your internship and be the envy of everyone in your graduating class. Or maybe you decided, “hey, writing a dissertation sounds fun, maybe I’ll spend my next 5-7 years in a Ph.D/Psy.D program!” (If I wasn’t so burnt out from school, I’d envy you all). Or perhaps you were smart and started applying for jobs in February and got one before you graduated. In any case, this life cycle is primarily intended…

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